Source code for football_badges

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Creates a GitHub-style badge showing the score of a football match.
#  Copyright (c) 2020 Dominic Davis-Foster <>
#  Based on pybadges
#  Copyright 2018 The pybadge Authors
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

# stdlib
from typing import Optional, Union

# 3rd party
from domdf_python_tools.stringlist import StringList
from lxml import etree, objectify  # type: ignore
from pybadges import _NAME_TO_COLOR, precalculated_text_measurer, text_measurer

# this package
from football_badges.utils import _environment

__author__ = "Dominic Davis-Foster"
__copyright__ = "2020 Dominic Davis-Foster"
__license__ = "Apache Software License v2.0"
__version__ = "0.1.0"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = ["football_badge"]

[docs]def football_badge( home_name: str, away_name: str, home_score: int, away_score: int, home_colour: str, away_colour: str, *, elapsed_time: Optional[str] = None, extra_time: Union[int, str, None] = None, title: str = "Football Score", measurer: Optional[text_measurer.TextMeasurer] = None, ) -> str: """ Creates a GitHub-style badge showing the score of a football match. :param home_name: The 2- or 3-letter code representing the home team, to be displayed on the left of the badge. :param away_name: The 2- or 3-letter code representing the away team, to be displayed on the right of the badge. :param home_score: The score of the home team. :param away_score: The score of the away team. :param home_colour: The background colour for the home team. :param away_colour: The background colour for the away team. :param elapsed_time: The elapsed time in the match. :param extra_time: The number of minutes of extra time. :param title: The title to set in the SVG file. See :param measurer: A text_measurer.TextMeasurer that can be used to measure the width of ``left_text`` and ``right_text``. .. seealso:: for a list of team codes. """ if measurer is None: measurer = (precalculated_text_measurer.PrecalculatedTextMeasurer.default()) score = f"{home_score} - {away_score}" template = _environment().get_template("template.svg") if elapsed_time is not None: show_time = True elapsed_time = str(elapsed_time) else: show_time = False elapsed_time = "0:00" if extra_time is not None: show_extra_time = True extra_time = f"+{str(extra_time).lstrip('+')}" extra_time_width = measurer.text_width(extra_time) / 8 else: show_extra_time = False extra_time_width = 0 svg = template.render( left_text=home_name, right_text=away_name, left_color=_NAME_TO_COLOR.get(home_colour, home_colour), right_color=_NAME_TO_COLOR.get(away_colour, away_colour), score=score, time=elapsed_time, show_time=show_time, show_extra_time=show_extra_time, extra_time=extra_time, title=title, score_text_width=measurer.text_width(score) / 10.0, extra_time_width=extra_time_width, ) xml = objectify.fromstring(svg) buffer = StringList(etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True).decode("UTF-8")) buffer.blankline(ensure_single=True) return str(buffer)